Cadastral cartography

Cadastral mapping works were carried out during 1998-2005 in order to implement the state registration system of rights to real estate in the territory of the Republic of Armenia.
According to the current RA legislation, cadastral maps are considered one of the main documents of the registration process, which reflect real estate units, their location, boundaries, surfaces, cadastral codes and types.
Surveying works were carried out inside the settlements on a scale of 1:500, 1:1000, 1:2000, and outside the settlements on a scale of 1:2000, 1: 5000, 1: 10,000 based on the nature of the terrain.
The cadastral mapping works in the Republic of Armenia were carried out with the grant programs of the Food Security of the European Community, the US Agency for International Development, as well as the loan programs of the World Bank, through legal entities and individuals with appropriate qualifications and licenses. The above maintained works were carried out in accordance with the requirements of the instructions for the implementation of cadastral mapping works approved by the chairman of the State Committee of the Real Estate Cadastre under the RA Government. Fieldworks were completed in 2004.
Surveying of cadastral mapping was carried out by traditional methods. In the 1st stage of the works, the boundaries of the communities were drawn conventionally and approximately, as a result of which the demarcation defects in the digitized cadastral maps of the communities were left with initial errors, and unacceptably erroneously allocated and de facto owned privatized units emerged. Later, these errors were removed using modern geodetic tools during the surveying works for the creation of cadastral maps.
Correcting the errors found in the cadastral maps of the RA communities and the implementation of the complete monitoring of the land fund are among the primary goals in the cadastral mapping works. Cadastral plans (maps) are one of the main documents of the state registration process of real estate and are the basis for state registration, appraisal, creation of land and property tax base, as well as multi-purpose cadastre management.
In order to achieve the above goals, the materials created by stereography and photogrammetry are especially important, these differ from traditionally crated maps in that they result in orthophoto images (image without distortions) on a single scale, which are the main prerequisites for creating topographic or cadastral plans or Geoinformation Base.
In 2014, the aerial photography of 13,600 square meters of the RA territory, the creation of a digital relief model and orthophoto images provided an opportunity to obtain electronic cadastral maps of various scales and thematic layers with automated systems equipped with modern software, using modern geodetic equipment: electronic tachometers, GPS stations, which allow to get the coordinates of the determined points with high accuracy without making intermediate calculations.
Currently, at the initiative of the Cadastre Committee, corrections of the administrative boundaries of communities, cadastral district locations and borders are being carried out in cadastral maps, based on the N 698 Decision "On establishing the procedure for correcting errors found in the cadastral map" of the RA Government on April 29, 2021.