Information Provision

Providing information on property rights and restrictions, is one of the main functions of the real estate cadastre.
What kind of information can be obtained from the unified state cadastre of real estate?
- property clearance extract on the real estate unit,
- other information about a real estate unit, which includes individual rights, restrictions registered to the real estate unit, data on the cadastral value (net income) of plots, buildings, as well as the qualitative and quantitative characteristics that are the basis for their calculation (size, purpose and operational importance, plot, data of construction, degree of attrition, etc.);
- information on the availability of property belonging to the same entity;
- photocopies of cadastral case documents.
- provision of cadastral plans and maps in vector format and (or) paper carrier;
- provision of topographic plans and maps, orthophoto images, orthophoto maps in vector format and (or) in paper carrier;
- information on the coordinates of geodetic network points;
- information on turning points or corner coordinates of a real estate unit (plot, building);
- information on the name of geographical objects.
The application for the information provision must include the data defined by points 2-7 of Article 24, Part 2 of the Law of the Republic of Armenia "On State Registration of Rights to Property":
- in the case of individuals, the applicant's data from the identity documents established by the legislation of the Republic of Armenia (name, surname, nationality, date of birth, residential address, name of the document, series and number);
- in the case of a legal entity: full name, location.
- the request.
- the list of documents attached to the application.
- date of the submitted application.
- the applicant's signature.
The payment receipt for the information provision is submitted to the information provision application. Application is submitted or mailed to the service office. The application for providing information can also be submitted electronically through the electronic system of the official website of Cadastre Committee.
The authorized body carrying out the registration can refuse to provide information only in cases, if;
- the request contains information that is considered a state, service secret in accordance with the law;
- the request contains information with restricted availability based on the Article 11 of the same law.
- the fee is not paid for the information provision service in the amount specified by law, except for the cases when fee is not required.
At the same time, the authorized body carrying out the registration may suspend the information provision because of the non-identification of the real estate unit.
In the case of individuals, personal data are considered identified if the application states at least;
- name, surname, nationality and date of birth,
- name and number of the identity document of an individual,
- public service number of an individual.
In the case of a legal entity;
- the name of the legal entity, if present in the state registration documents, the registration number of the legal entity or the taxpayer's registration number.
Information Provision Electronically
In order to obtain property clearance extract on registered rights and restrictions on real estate, as well as other information on real estate and rights and restrictions on it, applications can also be submitted online through the website One must first register on the website by filling out the electronic form in the registration system. After completing the latter, the electronic system of the website will send the link to activate the registration to the e-mail address specified by the applicant. The payment for the information provision service can be made both through the state electronic payment system and the ARCA electronic payment system.
Electronic Cadastral Map Provision
By registering on the website, one can order any part of the cadastral map of the Republic of Armenia. The selection of the necessary area (map section) is made by marking the appropriate area on the cadastral maps posted on the website, and after paying the information provision fee, the applicant gets the opportunity to download the ordered electronic map from the website.